Why Kegel exercises may be ineffective for incontinence and how your Crystal Lake specialist can help
Women have been told of Kegel exercises for many decades. These area-specific exercises have been touted as ideal for pelvic tone, which both decreases instances of incontinence and increases sexual function. When you hear of the wonders of Kegels, and the ease in which they can be performed, why wouldn’t you want to try it?
Much of what you may hear about Kegel exercises is true. Done correctly, exercise can decrease incontinence. In our Crystal Lake pelvic health practice, we discuss the details of Kegels with patients facing stress and urge urinary incontinence. Kegels can be started at any age and continued for a lifetime, even through pregnancy and menopause. There are no risks associated with these simple exercises, and a round of Kegels can be performed anywhere at any time without anyone knowing.
Women who learn how to perform Kegels properly, and who are followed by their health care practitioner, can actually see improvement, helping them stay motivated in their efforts to tone the pelvic floor. Without proper guidance and monitoring, it can be difficult to sustain daily exercise, unsure whether any benefit will be achieved and, if so, how long it may take. In order to be successful, Kegels must be performed on a regular basis and in the right way. This is where many DIY attempts fall into problems.
Most guides to Kegels offer very little guidance at all, telling exercisers to squeeze and hold the same muscles used to stop urine for 3 seconds, followed by 3 seconds of relaxation. According to guides, doing this for ten to fifteen minutes a day, every day, up to several times a day, should produce the desired result. Sounds simple.
Dr. Sanjay Gandhi has consulted with many patients about the benefits of properly performed Kegel exercises. Our pelvic health team understands that you want results when you commit your time and energy to these exercises. That is why we thoroughly explain exactly how to do Kegels in the right manner for maximum benefit. We will take the necessary steps to make sure your valuable time is not wasted on ineffective exercise.
If you would like to learn how to make the most of Kegel exercises, we invite you to visit one of our three offices for your consultation with our friendly, knowledgeable staff.
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