What is stress incontinence and what treatments are available near Crystal Lake?

For many women, urinary incontinence can significantly affect the quality of life. Rather than live with the consequences of incontinence, seeking treatment from your family physician or urogynecology specialist makes sense. Your compassionate care provider understands that incontinence can be an embarrassing topic to discuss. What is most important to us is to determine the cause of incontinence so that we may devise a successful treatment plan in our Crystal Lake specialty practice.

stress incontinence and what treatments are available near Crystal Lake

Usually, doctors determine that stress incontinence is behind the leakage of urine at inopportune times. In addition to the various medical treatments that can alleviate symptoms, we may recommend certain behavioral changes to promote healthy function. Some of the lifestyle habits that may be developed for urinary health include:

Retraining the bladder

One of the ways control can be regained is by urinating at specified times, rather than waiting until the urge presents. At first, bathroom breaks may be set closer together, with the time in between increased gradually.

Changes to diet

For people suffering urinary incontinence, we may investigate if certain foods trigger leakage. Benefit can be gained by watching the consumption of beverages such as sodas, coffee, or tea, and alcoholic beverages. One may also find more bladder control in avoiding constipation with a high fiber diet and drinking only about six 8-oz glasses of water each day.

Kegel exercises

Each person has muscles that run along the pelvic floor, aiding in bladder control. One reason for stress incontinence could be that these muscles have lost some of their strength. Kegel exercises focus on the pelvic floor muscles, tightening them with regular practice. Your doctor can discuss the proper way in which to perform Kegel exercises for maximum benefit. Even if treatment, such as medication, is administered to reduce incontinence, properly performed Kegel exercises can promote optimal results.

Often women find Kegel exercises don’t work. This is very common. Dr. Gandhi specializes in evaluating patients who do not experience optimal results from these exercises. We also offer a program to enhance the effects of Kegel exercises so that your efforts produce the results you seek.

Weight loss

Depending on the circumstances of incontinence, your doctor may discuss weight reduction as an aid to better bladder control. Extra pressure is placed on the bladder and surrounding muscles with too much weight. Reducing weight reduces this pressure and allows the bladder to function properly.


Although research has yet to determine the exact reason, data shows that smokers experience severe leaking more frequently. To reduce instances of incontinence, finding a way to stop smoking may be beneficial.

Dr. Gandhi has years of experience helping women regain better bladder control. Although exercises and specific lifestyle habits may help, there is no replacement for the professional evaluation of bladder leakage, whether stress-related or another type. Contact us today to improve your quality of life by handling incontinence.

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Sanjay Gandhi, M.D.

Sanjay Gandhi, M.D.
Partners in Pelvic Health North Shore Urogynecology

Conditions affecting the female pelvis are the focus at Partners in Pelvic Health North Shore Urogynecology. We provide effective solutions for these problems from our offices at Park City, Woodstock, and Lake Forest in Illinois.

Our team is headed by Sanjay Gandhi, MD, Urogynecologist. Dr. Gandhi’s specialized education included a residency in gynecology and obstetrics at Northwestern University and a three-year urogynecology fellowship. He is among a few in the country to pass the first examination in Urogynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery (URPS) of The American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He also teaches healthcare students.