Advances in specialized medicine have improved urinary incontinence treatment available in Woodstock
One of the most common problems faced by women as they age is urinary incontinence. The leakage of urine may be slight and occur only during physical exertion, but the experience is nonetheless distressing. Researchers estimate that as many as 20 million American women experience this uncomfortable, embarrassing problem.
Several factors affect bladder control. These include genetic factors, pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and age. The direct cause of urine leakage may be either prolapse or weakened muscles in the pelvic floor.
Stress Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence may be either stress related or urge related. Stress urinary incontinence is the most common complaint of women of various ages. This condition occurs when the pelvic floor weakens and “falls.” This weakening affects the anatomical angle between the urethra, which acts as a valve, and the bladder neck. Changes in this angle allow urine to leak when a woman coughs, sneezes, laughs, or even just walks.
Incontinence treatment in our offices in Woodstock, Lake Forest, and Park City varies and it is based on the specific qualities, symptoms, and severity of leakage in each patient. Dr. Sanjay Gandhi has devoted his career to pelvic health. Our team understands that finding the right treatment is vital to the restoration of your quality of life. We work with our individual patients to discover forms of therapy that will lead to the best possible results. Therapies may involve medications, physical therapy, or surgical procedures. What you can count on when working with Partners in Pelvic Health at North Shore Urogynecology is that our team of specialists has the extensive training to produce results that work for you.
Sling treatment for urinary incontinence
At the turn of the century, advances in medicine brought about the development of “bladder suspension” procedures such as the pelvic sling or “pelvic hammock.” Since their use, a bit of controversy surrounding this type of procedure has occurred. Dr. Gandhi has maintained an awareness of the various risks and benefits of sling procedures, and does not work with vaginal mesh materials.
Of the two types of bladder suspension procedures recommended by the American Urological Association, the sling procedure is most attractive to patients and specialists due to its minimal invasiveness. The sling procedure has been proven extremely safe, and has been performed on thousands of women with great success.
We understand that treatment for urinary incontinence can cause as much stress as the condition itself. When working with a patient towards optimal resolution, Dr. Gandhi carefully explains all options and their benefits and risks. Contact us today for a one on one consultation in which you can learn potential solutions to your pelvic concerns.
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