Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation, which is also referred to as PTNS treatment, is a method of addressing an overactive bladder or detrusor overactivity. Patients who have symptoms of an overactive bladder such as frequent urination and urge incontinence may have tried other methods of treating the problem with no success. This may include attempts at behavior modification, medication, and muscle strengthening exercises. Before surgery is seriously considered by both doctor and patient, Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation may be suggested by the team at Partners in Pelvic Health North Shore Urogynecology.

This treatment utilizes a nerve that runs along the leg and down to the ankle. For this treatment, the patient sits upright in a chair with their leg elevated. An electrode needle is injected just above the ankle of the patient, and it causes pulses that run along the tibial nerve to the spine to the nerves that control bladder functionality.
The treatment is done in approximately 12 sessions that last 30 minutes apiece. These 12 sessions are scheduled weekly. Patients describe a slight sensation through the ankle, foot, and even the toes, but are otherwise relaxed and comfortable throughout the sessions. Patients can go about their day without any downtime and they are scheduled for their next appointment before they leave the practice.
There are very few risks associated with Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation, but they include discomfort and pain near the site of injection or redness. This will go away with time. Patients who should not undergo this particular treatment are those with:
- High risk of excessive bleeding
- Pacemakers
- Implanted defibrillators
- Nerve damage
- Pregnancy or who may become pregnant during scheduled treatments
Patients who have tried other methods of addressing their overactive bladder, but are unable to see results may be successful with Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation. Dr. Gandhi and the team at Partners in Pelvic Health North Shore Urogynecology are more than willing to work with patients who are struggling with finding an effective treatment for their condition, and offer a variety of options when others fail to provide relief.