Understanding the symptoms of stress urinary incontinence
As women get older or after having children, many joke about needing to use the restroom more frequently or having to urinate prior to any kind of exercise. While it may be a fact of life, urinary incontinence is no laughing matter. It can cause embarrassment, discomfort and have a deep impact on your lifestyle. However, Park City, Illinois, patients can rest easier knowing that urology cases can be addressed by visiting Dr. Sanjay Gandhi at Partners in Pelvic Health, an experienced physician. For many years, Dr. Gandhi has been helping patients understand the symptoms and find relief from stress urinary incontinence, and overactive bladders. He answers many common questions.
What is urinary incontinence?
Incontinence is a medical condition affecting control of your bladder, bowels, or both. It can be temporary, caused by alcohol, spicy foods, caffeine, or medications like muscle relaxants. Temporary incontinence can also be caused by a urinary tract infection or constipation. In some cases, urinary incontinence doesn’t simply go away after treating a medical condition or changing certain habits. This is because the condition is caused by an underlying physical condition that must be addressed by a doctor.
What are the symptoms of urinary incontinence?
The most frequent and tell-tale symptom is the unintended discharge of urine when laughing, coughing, sneezing, jumping, or exercising. This is a form of incontinence known as stress incontinence. Other types of incontinence may include symptoms such as a fast and intense urge to urinary or a bladder that doesn’t completely empty.
What causes urinary incontinence?
Persistent urinary incontinence is often caused when the muscles that control the bladder become weak. This is caused by pregnancy or childbirth for many women, but it can also increase as they age or experience menopause.
Should I see a doctor about my urinary incontinence?
While many women make jokes about urinary incontinence, the condition can be difficult to talk about. Many are embarrassed or feel uncomfortable seeking treatment. However, it’s important to speak with a trusted physician if the condition is causing you to change your daily activities or limit your interaction with friends or family. Not only can a doctor help you feel better, but treatment can improve the quality of life, ensure you don’t have a more serious underlying medical condition, or, in the case of the elderly, prevent falls that occur when rushing to the restroom.
Can urinary incontinence be treated?
Rest assured, you don’t have to live with these symptoms. However, treating your urinary incontinence will depend on your individual case—how severe it is, what type of condition you have, and what caused it. Dr. Gandhi will perform a complete examination to determine what’s causing your condition. Then he may suggest changes to your diet, exercises (such as pelvic floor exercises), or physical therapy. If you have an infection, antibiotics may be prescribed to treat the infection. Surgery may be necessary if the other treatment options don’t work. Surgery is minimally invasive and can give you relief from incontinence and overactive bladder.
If frequent trips to the bathroom, unexpected urine flow, or the inability to exercise, laugh, or sneeze without being afraid is part of your daily life, call Partners in Pelvic Health at (844) 327-1188 today.
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